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Put a fuel oil tank out of operation

When should you put a fuel oil tank out of operation?
When a fuel oil tank is no longer in use, you as an owner and seller have the obligation to have them put out of use. The rules depend on the size and location of the tank that can be located above ground or underground.
An 'underground' tank means a tank that has been buried in the ground. A tank in a basement is therefore considered 'above ground'.

Do you as owner have to have your tank removed or filled?
Tank for the storage of less than 5000 kg fuel oil (6000 liters):
  • Above ground tank for less than 5000 kg fuel oil (6000 liters):
    What is mandatory in the event of a final decommissioning?
    Tank must be emptied. Removal is not mandatory, but if the tank is removed anyway, it is best to also clean it to avoid additional costs at the processing plant.
  • Underground tank for less than 5000 kg fuel oil (6000 liters)
    What is mandatory in the event of a final decommissioning?
    Tank must be emptied and removed or, if removal is not possible, fill with sand, foam or other equivalent inert material.
    When cleaning the tank, tank cleaning is recommended to avoid additional costs at the processing plant.
    By who? By a recognized fuel oil technician who has to deliver a certificate on decommissioning showing that the decommissioning was carried out according to the rules of the trade. The certificate must include the name and the approval number of the technician.

Tank for the storage of 5000 kg fuel oil or more (6000 liters):
  • Above ground tank for 5000 kg fuel oil (6000 liters) or more:
    What is mandatory in the event of a final decommissioning?
    Tank must be emptied and cleaned and removed if possible.
  • Underground tank for 5000 kg fuel oil (6000 liters) or more:
    What is mandatory in the event of a final decommissioning?
    Tank must be emptied and cleaned and removed if possible.
    If removal is impossible, it must be filled with sand, foam or other equivalent inert material.
  • Term? Within a period of 3 years (from the decommissioning).
  • By who? By a recognized fuel oil technician or environmental expert in the discipline of containers of gases or hazardous substances.
  • Certificate? Since the first of June 2015, the recognized fuel oil technician or the accredited environmental expert has to issue a certificate showing that the decommissioning was carried out according to the rules of the trade. The certificate must include the name and the approval number of the technician or environmental expert.

Need help with applying for your certificate and decommissioning?
Stijn Voet Immobiliën would be happy to help you with applying for your certificate.

Questions? Contact us.

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